Waterwise landscaping

Seven tips to save water in your home's landscape

It seems that everyone is conscious of being “green” and wants to do their part in helping the environment. In Central Texas, "waterwise" landscaping and conserving water have become quite popular among homeowners. Below are seven principles of waterwise landscaping provided by the Texas Nursery & Landscape Association.

Planning and Design

A landscape isn’t a bunch of plants; it’s a set of miniature ecosystems where everything affects everything. Before you begin a project, plan ahead by calling a landscape designer or landscape architect.

Soil Evaluation and Improvement

Soil is where it all starts. To match a plant’s needs to soil, you have to know the soil type.

Practical Turf Areas

Select the appropriate grass species and consider the size and geometry of turf areas for optimal water use.

Appropriate Plant Selection

Use plants native to your area. Plants that are well-adapted to the sun, shade and soil conditions and wildlife in your region will thrive.

Efficient Irrigation

Water only the plants that need it and only when they need it.

Use of Mulches

Mulch cuts down on the evaporation of water, suppresses weeds and keeps the plants cool. It also makes a bed look nice and tidy.

Appropriate Maintenance

Keeping turf at its optimal height, checking the irrigation system, and other basic maintenance saves time and water while providing a more beautiful landscape.

Remember—The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is NOW!

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